土間や庭先、玄関から商店街、ちょっとしたおでかけ。 ヘップサンダルは、さっと履いて気楽に出かけられる履物として 長年、日本の家庭で親しまれてきました。

These types of sandals had often seen in any Japanese home as a called "Tsukkake" sandals, which are light footwear for the neighborhood.It is called "Hep sandal" in Japan that the local industry in Nara.
The name of Hep sandals came from the movie "Roman Holiday."Audrey Hepburn has worn open-toe sandals in the film, so they came to be called Hep sandals friendly in Japan.
From the earthen floor in a house to the garden. From the entrance to the shopping street or the neighborhood... Hep sandals have been used for many years as living tools in Japan that can be put on easily out.
Kawahigashi Hakimono Shoten was established in 1952 as a footwear business in Nara.
"HEP" will updates the Hep sandals from various angles for the future have been loved for a long time.
To hope you can take the first step anywhere effortlessly.

〒635-0012 奈良県大和高田市曙町15-33
Kawahigashi Hakimono Shoten
15-33, Akebono, Yamato Takada city, Nara, 6350012, Japan